Resources Page
Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium
UGA VIGRE Algebraic Geometry
Summer School
Summer School Week 1
Curves and their Moduli (Joe Harris and Ian Morrison)
Moduli of Curves
(Harris and Morrison)
Lecture notes and exercises from the VIGRE summer school Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces
(Izzet Coskun)
Algebraic Stacks
(Nasko Atanasov)
Moduli of Abelian Varieties (Gregory Sankaran)
Scanned notes from the lectures
The Geometry of Siegel Modular Varieties
(Hulek and Sankaran)
Lecture notes on Abelian Varieties
--- these are old lecture notes, not proofread and containing some mistakes (Sankaran)
Articles of interest
Survey article HS
MR1929793 (direct link)
MR1929793 (via Galileo)
Mumford Abelian Varieties
MR2514037 (direct link)
MR2514037 (via Galileo)
MR0366934 (direct link)
MR0366934 (via Galileo)
MR1257185 (direct link)
MR1257185 (via Galileo)
Freitag book
MR0871067 (direct link)
MR0871067 (via Galileo)
Mumford paper
MR0714757 (direct link)
MR0714757 (via Galileo)
Tai paper
MR0669424 (direct link)
MR0669424 (via Galileo)
MR2590897 (direct link)
MR2590897 (via Galileo)
MR0584625 (direct link)
MR0584625 (via Galileo)
MR2208417 (direct link)
MR2208417 (via Galileo)
see also review by Sankaran :
zb 1088.14011
Minimal Model Program (James McKernan)
Lecture Notes (McKernan):
lecture 1
Lecture Notes (McKernan):
lecture 2
Lecture Notes (McKernan):
lecture 3
Problem Set
Summer School Week 2
Mirror Symmetry (Tony Pantev)
Homological Mirror Symmetry
Maxim Kontsevich "Enumeration of rational curves via torus actions"
Mirror symmetry for Fano varieties
Kentaro Hori et al. "Mirror symmetry", Clay Mathematical Monographs, volume 1,
Dmitri Orlov "Landau-Ginzburg models, D-branes, and mirror symmetry",
Denis Auroux, Ludmil Katzarkov, Dmitri Orlov "Mirror symmetry for Del Pezzo surfaces: Vanishing cycles and coherent sheaves",
Mirror maps via tropical curve counting
Mark Gross, Bernd Siebert "Theta functions and mirror symmetry"
Mark Gross, Paul Hacking, Sean Keel "Mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces I"
Cycles (Patrick Brosnan)
Intersection Theory Book
An Introduction to Intersection Theory
Corrsepondences Motifs and Monoidal transforms
(Y. Manin)
Some notes based on Fulton's Intersection Theory
(Howard Nuer)
Excercises on motives
(Maxim Arap)
Olivier Debarre
Notes from Lecture
Course notes: "Curves of low degrees in Fano varieties"